Interview I

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Interview II

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Interview III

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Interview IV

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  When investigating people's conceptions about the causes of high tides, our research suggests that there are two concepts key to understanding high tides.  First, knowing that there are two high tides a day in any location which experiences tides.  Second, knowing the location of the moon during the two tides. 

When asked about the number of high tides a day in Plymouth, the subjects admit that they don't know.  Or, the subjects offer a guess and construct a logic line that validates their guess of the number of high tides. 

When asked about the position of the moon during high tide, most subjects indicated that it was overhead. When then asked about the position of the moon during the second high tide they tried to construct a new understanding or acknowledged that their previous logic was in error.
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For all subjects answers (text) click here
For initial analysis of subjects' responses click here